Backup & Disaster Recovery
File-based backups are great for endpoints, but what do you do when a user spills coffee on their laptop and needs to be back up and running immediately?

Why do you need Backup & Disaster Recovery?

Near–Instant Virtualization
If you’re looking to minimize the adversities of desktop-based disasters on your business continuity, BCDR and near-instant virtualization is your answer. With our secure cloud BCDR, your backup data will be protected against cyber threats including human-operated ransomware attacks.
Data Deletion Protection
Retrieving data with us is as easy as a walk in the park. We keep data deletion requests separate from the mechanics of data deletion to ensure that the data is passed through a safety archive for a certain period. Further, the same service also gives out a fake signal to convince hackers that the data has been deleted. When in fact the data is available for near instant recovery.